Local Attractions
​*Updated in 2024*
​Parking - Spaces can fill up quickly during the high season. Plan to arrive early and/or have a backup plan. Parking fees and/or time limits may apply. The parking lots for The Grotto/Cyprus Lake and Halfway Log Dump (Bruce Trail) require advance reservation through Parks Canada, 1-877-RESERVE or www.parkscanada.gc.ca/grotto. McCurdy Drive and Little Cove parking lots also require advance reservation (14 days or less in advance), www.northernbruceparking.ca. Free shuttle available between Lion’s Head and McCurdy parking lot.
Downloadable PDFs: Click here for Local Attractions. Click here for Hiking Trails.
Art Galleries
Dragonfly Ridge Studio (Lin Souliere) - fine art, pottery, art supplies - by appointment - 107 Caudle Sideroad, Lion's Head (28km from MTC) - 519-270-8717, https://www.dragonflyridgestudio.ca/
Golden Gallery (Kent Wilkens) - 7434 Highway 6, Tobermory (37km from MTC) - 519-596-2280, http://www.goldengallerytobermory.com/, www.wilkens-art.com
Margarethe Vanderpas Studio - by appointment or during Art in the Garden events - 24 Chetwynd Lane, Lion's Head (38km from MTC) - 519-433-2840, https://www.margarethevanderpas.com/
Meraki Art Studios - Black Spruce Studio and Three Trees Art (Patricia Gray) - 240 East Rd, Lion's Head (20km from MTC) - 705-475-6248, https://www.blacksprucestudio.com/
Red Schoolhouse Gallery (Bruce Peninsula Society of Artists) - 2866 Highway 6, Lion's Head (37km from MTC) - 519-793-3080, https://brucepeninsulaart.ca/co-op-gallery/
Georgian Bay Soapworks - 1122 East Rd, Miller Lake (11km from MTC) - 519-270-5317, https://www.gbsoapworks.com/
Jordan Woodturning - Hand-turned wooden bowls and artistic pieces - 250 Cape Chin North Shore Rd, Lion's Head - (24km from MTC) - 519-379-2040, www.jordanwoodturning.com
Miller Lake Pottery (Robert Nantais) - Sales and demonstrations - 16 Noble Dr, Miller Lake (19km from MTC) - 519-795-7824, https://brucegreysimcoe.com/operators/miller-lake-pottery
Boat Tours/Cruises
Blue Heron Cruises - Flowerpot Island stay-abord and drop-off cruises - 7425 Highway 6, Tobermory (37km from MTC) - 1-855-596-2999, https://www.cruisetobermory.com/,
Bruce Anchor Cruises - Flowerpot Island stay-abord and drop-off cruises - 61 Front St, Tobermory (37km from MTC) - 519-596-2555, https://cruises.bruceanchor.com/
Fathom Five Fishing & Private Tours - 22 Maple Golf Crescent, Tobermory (37km from MTC) - 226-668-4878, https://www.fathomfivefishing.com/
MS Chi-Cheemaun - Ferry to Manitoulin Island, cruises - Tobermory (37km from MTC) - 1-800-265-3163, https://www.ontarioferries.com/ms-chi-cheemaun/
Tobermory Wave Adventures - Small groups only, Flowerpot Island, the Grotto, private tours - 1 Bay St, Tobermory (37km from MTC) - 226-974-1880, https://www.tobermorywave.com/
Farm Markets and Tours
Cape Chin Micro-Farm - Raw wildflower honey, free range eggs, beeswax candles - 314 Cape Chin North Rd, Lion's Head (21km from MTC) - 519-795-7200, www.capechinmicrofarm.com
Peninsula Acres – farm tours, farm market store, by chance or by appointment – 1097 Hwy 6, South Bruce Peninsula (54km from MTC) - 519-377-2942, https://peninsulaacres.ca/
Random Ranch Alpacas - Ranch visits, alpaca wool products, by appointment only - 407 Lindsay Road 5, Lion's Head (23km from MTC) - 519-577-4878, https://www.randomranchalpacas.com/
Lion's Head Farm Market - Saturday 9am-12pm, Victoria Day through Thanksgiving - Lion’s Head Beach, 1 Forbes St, Lion's Head (39km from MTC) - https://www.lionsheadfarmersmarket.com/
Gas Stations
Hoppys Gas Bar - 7386 Highway 6, Tobermory (36km from MTC), 519-596-2486
UPI Energy Ferndale Gas Bar - 2875 Highway 6, Ferndale (36km from MTC) - 519-793-4886, https://upienergyfs.com/location/gas_bar/ferndale.php
Golf Courses and Short Track Racing
Northern Dunes Golf Club - 665 Bruce Street, Hepworth (78km from MTC) - 519-935-3000, https://www.northerndunes.com/
Sauble Speedway - short track racing - 1199 Bruce Rd 14 Rd, Hepworth (85km from MTC) - 519-422-1422, https://www.saublespeedway.ca/
Wiarton Bluffs Golf Club - 502386 Grey Road 1, Georgian Bluffs (75km from MTC) - 519-534-0005, https://wiartonbluffsgolfclub.ca/
Bains General Store - 2832 Highway 6, Ferndale (37km from MTC) - 226-927-6154, https://www.facebook.com/p/The-Hungry-Hiker-100070514243685/
Garden In Thyme Country Market - fresh produce and baked goods - 3088 Bruce County Rd 9, Lion's Head (38km from MTC) - 519-793-4303 (phone), 226-668-8573 (text), https://visitlionshead.ca/profile/garden-in-thyme/1617/
Hellyer’s Foodland - 4 Webster St, Lion's Head (39km from MTC) - 519-793-3415, https://www.facebook.com/hellyersfoodmarket/
LCBO Lion's Head - 1 Ferndale Rd, Lion's Head (40km from MTC) - 519-793-3355, https://www.lcbo.com/lionshead
LCBO Tobermory - 23 Brock St, Tobermory (37km from MTC) - 519-596-2213
Peacock’s Foodland - 7357 Hwy 6 Tobermory on N0H 2R0 (36km from MTC) - 519-596-2066, https://www.facebook.com/p/Peacocks-Foodland-100045871406778/
Guides and Outfitters
Bayside Astronomy - free program to learn about the night sky, Friday/Saturday - Lion's Head Marina, 1 Bruin St, Lion's Head (39km from MTC) - (416) 837-2959, https://www.facebook.com/baysideastronomy
Big Tub Harbour Resort (Tobermory) - Kayak, paddle board, canoe rentals - 236 Big Tub Rd, Tobermory (39km from MTC) - 519-596-2219, https://www.bigtubresort.ca/watersport-rentals/
Divers Den - Scuba diving and snorkelling - 3 Bay St, Tobermory (37km from MTC) - 519-596-2363, https://www.diversden.ca/
EcoAdventures – Guided outdoor adventures - 226-277-0944, https://myecoadventures.ca/
Explorer's Tread - Paddling, hiking, and cycling guided excursions - Lion's Head (39km from MTC) - 519-270-8461, https://www.explorerstread.com/
Tobermory Cruise Line (On the Water Kayaks) - kayak and stand-up paddleboard rentals - 53 Bay Street South, Tobermory (37km from MTC) - 519-596-2626, https://tobermorycruiseline.com/
Big Tub Lighthouse - 264 Big Tub Rd, Tobermory (39km from MTC)
Lion's Head Lighthouse - Lion's Head Marina, 1 Bruin St, Lion's Head (39km from MTC)
Bruce County Museum & Cultural Centre - Bruce County local history, events and programs - 33 Victoria St N Saugeen Shores, Southampton (99km from MTC) - 519-797-2080, https://www.brucemuseum.ca/
Grey Roots Museum & Archives, Moreston Heritage Village - 102599 Grey Rd 18, Owen Sound (101km from MTC) - 519-376-3690, https://greyroots.com/
St Edmunds Township Museum - Tobermory and Bruce Peninsula local history - 7072 Highway 6, Tobermory (34km from MTC) - 519-373-7032, https://www.facebook.com/StEdmundsMuseum/
Outdoor Attractions
Grieg's Caves - Cash only - 407 Scenic Caves Rd, Lion's Head (53km from MTC) - 519-377-8762, https://www.greigscaves.ca/
The Grotto - advance parking reservations required – Bruce Peninsula National Park, 469 Cyprus Lake Rd, Tobermory (32km from MTC) - https://parks.canada.ca/pn-np/on/bruce
Little Cove Adventures - Aerial Park - 7111 Highway 6, Tobermory (33km from MTC) - 519-596-8622, http://www.littlecove.ca/
RavenStar Unplugged Experiences - sculpture garden and trails, retreats, classes, bistro – 3927 Highway 6, Lion’s Head (26km from MTC) - 519-592-5742, https://www.ravenstarmagic.ca/
Wild by Nature Forest Sanctuary – forest bathing, guided experiences – 953 Dyers Bay Road (7km from MTC) - https://wildbynatureforestsanctuary.ca/
Sunshine Drugs Peninsula IDA Pharmacy - open Mon-Fri 9am-6pm, closed on weekends - 76 Main St., Lions Head (39km from MTC) - 519-793-3200
Sunshine Drugs McKenzie's IDA Pharmacy - open Mon-Sat 9am-6pm, closed on Sundays - 608 Berford St, Wiarton (67km from MTC) - 519-534-0230
Sunshine Drugs Bayside IDA Pharmacy - open Mon-Fri 9am-6pm, closed on weekends - 369 Mary St, Wiarton (67km from MTC) - 519-534-5090
Public Beaches
Black Creek Provincial Park - Sandy Beach (Lake Huron) - toilets, picnic tables, walking trails with unique micro-habitat (2.3km out-and-back) - Sandy Beach Rd, Stokes Bay (39km from MTC) - https://www.ontarioparks.ca/park/blackcreek
Lion's Head Beach (Georgian Bay) - toilets, playground, eating area - 1 Forbes St, Lion's Head (39km from MTC) - https://visitlionshead.ca/profile/lions-head-main-beach/1539/
Little Cove Beach (Georgian Bay) – reserved parking (starting 14 days in advance) - 240-242 Little Cove Rd, Tobermory (35km from MTC) - https://visittobermory.ca/profile/little-cove-provincial-park/2411/, www.northernbruceparking.ca
Singing Sands Beach (Georgian Bay) - includes a 1.3km loop trail with unique wildflower habitat - parking is first come, first served - Bruce Peninsula National Park, Dorcas Bay Rd, Northern Bruce Peninsula (32km from MTC) - https://explorethebruce.com/place/singing-sands-beach-trails/
The Art Shoppe - Art and home decor made by local artists - 197 Miller Lake Shore Rd, Miller Lake - (21km from MTC) - 519-373-3526, https://theartshoppe.ca/
Ku Ku Hut - African handicrafts - 5 Bay St, Tobermory (37km from MTC) - 705368-2791, https://www.facebook.com/KUKUHUT/
Marco Polo Trading Company - 16 Bay St, Tobermory (37km from MTC) - https://marco-polo.ca/
Reader's Haven Book Store - 10 Bay St, Tobermory (37km from MTC) - 519-596-2359, https://www.readershaven.ca/
The Shops at 84 Main - The Dandy Lion, Aunt Donkey's and Murdle's Mercantile - Gifts, housewares, art, toys, and more - 84 Main St, Lion's Head (39km from MTC) - 519-793-3351, https://www.84main.ca/
The Sweet Shop - 18 Bay St, Tobermory (37km from MTC) - 519-596-2705, https://www.sweetshop.ca
Restaurants and Cafés
Lion’s Head
Bear Tracks Inn & Restaurant - 2837 Highway 6, Lion's Head (33km from MTC) - 519-793-3555, https://beartracksinn.ca
Cindy Lou's Variety - 81 Main St, Lion's Head (39km from MTC) - 519-793-3760, https://cindylous.ca/
Hungry Hiker Ferndale - Bakery, daily specials and take-home meals - 2832 Highway 6, Ferndale (37km from MTC) - 226-927-6154, https://www.facebook.com/p/The-Hungry-Hiker-100070514243685/
Lion's Head Inn, Restaurant & Pub - 8 Helen St, Lion's Head (39km from MTC) - 519-793-4601, https://lionsheadinn.wordpress.com/
Mom’s Pizza - 2845 Hwy 6, Lion's Head - 519-793-4020
Rachel's Bakery and Café - 519-793-3982, 79 Main St, Lion's Head (39km from MTC) - 519-793-3982, https://www.rachels-restaurant.com
The Taste Kitchen - 76 Main St, Lion's Head (39km from MTC) - 519-793-4224, https://thetastekitchen.ca/
TruFood Café - Organic and local ingredients, gluten free options - 3766 Highway 6, Lion's Head (28km from MTC) - 519-793-3630, https://trufoodcafe.ca/
Crowsnest Pub - 5 Bay St, Tobermory (37km from MTC) - 519-596-2575, https://www.crowsnestpub.com
The Fish & Chip Place - 24 Bay St, Tobermory (37km from MTC) - 226-923-0933, http://www.thefishandchipplace.com/
Hungry Hiker Ferndale - Breakfast and lunch food truck - 7391 Highway 6, Tobermory (36km from MTC) - info@hungryhiker.ca
Little Cove Bakery (Little Tub Bakery) - 4 Warner Bay Rd, Tobermory (33km from MTC) - 519-596-8399
Peninsula Ice Cream - 4 Bay St, Tobermory (37km from MTC) - 519-596-2441
Pharos Restaurant & Wine Bar – Princess Hotel, 34 Bay Street, Tobermory (37km from MTC) - 519-596-8282, https://www.tobermoryprincesshotel.com/
Shipwreck Lee's of Tobermory - 2 Bay St Tobermory (37km from MTC) - 705-888-5946, https://shipwrecklees.com/
Tobermory Brewing Company and Grill - 28 Bay St S, Tobermory (37km from MTC) - 519-596-8181, https://tobermorybrewingco.com/
Hiking Trails
Check for Bruce Trail closures at www.brucetrail.org
Miller Lake
Bruce Trail: 433 Lindsay Rd 40, Miller Lake (leave MTC on Daly’s Rd, turn left on Lindsay Rd 40, drive past Meadow Rd, entrance will be on your left, before intersection with Bartley Rd) (1.3km from MTC) - https://www.alltrails.com/trail/canada/ontario/devil-s-monument-via-dyers-s-bay
Devil's Monument - https://explorethebruce.com/profile/devil-s-monument/2613/ - Has three trails/entry points:
Dyer's Bay to Devil's Monument (8.2km loop) - Dyer's Bay Parking Area, Dyers Bay Rd, Miller Lake (6.8km from MTC) - https://www.alltrails.com/trail/canada/ontario/dyer-s-bay-to-devil-s-monument
Devil's Monument Loop (4.2km loop) - Britain Lake Rd (parking lot before end of road, walk to trail at end of road), Miller Lake (7.3km from MTC) - https://www.alltrails.com/trail/canada/ontario/devils-monument-loop
Devil's Monument Trail (4.5km loop) – End of Borchardt Rd, Lion’s Head (26km from MTC) -
Cabot Head Provincial Nature Reserve: High Dump Camp Crane Lake Section (16.1km out-and-back, Moderate) - Crane Lake Rd, Miller Lake (north end of Crane Lake Rd) (9.4km from MTC) - https://www.alltrails.com/trail/canada/ontario/bruce-trail-high-dump-camp-crane-lake-section
Lindsay Tract Trail System (5km out-and-back, Easy to Moderate, suitable for mountain biking) - Lindsay Tract Trail, Highway 6, north of Lion's Head (25km from MTC) - https://www.alltrails.com/trail/canada/ontario/lindsay-tract-trail-system
Cape Chin
Bruce Trail: Borschardt Rd to Harkins Rd (11.7km point-to-point, Moderate) - Borschardt Rd, Lion's Head, just after the turnoff from Cape Chin N Rd (22km from MTC) - https://www.alltrails.com/trail/canada/ontario/bruce-trail-borchardt-Rd-to-harkins-Rd-peninsula
Smokey Head-White Bluff Provincial Nature Reserve: Cape Chin North (10km loop, Moderate) and Cape Chin Side Trail (3.4km loop, Easy) - Cape Chin South Rd, Lion's Head (end of Cape Chin South Rd) (26km from MTC) - https://www.alltrails.com/trail/canada/ontario/cape-chin-north
Lion’s Head
Bruce Trail: White Bluff, Isthmus Bay (5.8km loop, Easy) and Whippoorwill and Bruce Trail (10.3km out-and-back, Moderate) - Bruce Trail Forty Hills Access, Richardson Side Trail, Lion's Head (34km from MTC) - https://www.alltrails.com/trail/canada/ontario/white-bluff-isthmus-bay
Bruce Trail: William's Caves (3km out and back, Easy) - Access via the Bruce Trail at the end of Bruin Street (39km from MTC) - closest parking lot is at Lion’s Head Harbour - https://visitlionshead.ca/profile/williams-caves/1670/northbrucepeninsula.ca
Lion's Head Lookout Loop via Bruce Trail: 16.9km and 14.2 loop trails, both Moderate - 453 Cemetery Rd, Lion's Head (overflow parking at the arena) (40km from MTC) - https://www.alltrails.com/trail/canada/ontario/lions-head-loop-via-bruce-trail
Lion's Head Lookout (5.3km out-and-back) and Loop Trail (15km loop), both Moderate - McCurdy parking lot, Lion's Head (advance parking reservations required) (40km from MTC) - https://www.alltrails.com/trail/canada/ontario/lions-head-loop-via-bruce-trail
Bruce Trail: Beth Gilhespy and John Appleton Side Trail (10.9km out-and-back, Moderate) - Barrow Bay Rd, Lion's Head (go to end of Barrow Bay Rd, turn right, and drive a short distance on Highway 9) (45km from MTC) - https://www.alltrails.com/trail/canada/ontario/beth-gilhespy-and-john-appleton-side-trail
Bruce Trail and Pease Side Trail (10.1km loop, Moderate) - Jacksons Cove Rd, Lion's Head (shortly before Georgian Drive) (53km from MTC) - https://www.alltrails.com/trail/canada/ontario/bruce-trail-and-pease-side-trail-loop
Tobermory and Bruce Peninsula National Park
Cabot Head Provincial Nature Reserve: Multiple trails between 6.3km and 18.2km (Moderate to Hard). Advance parking reservation required. - Halfway Log Dump Parking, Halfway, Log Dump Rd, Tobermory, ON (31km from MTC) - https://www.alltrails.com/trail/canada/ontario/bruce-trail-halfway-log-dump-to-the-grotto
Bruce Peninsula National Park: Multiple trails between 2.4km and 5km (Easy to Moderate). Advance parking reservation required. - 469 Cyprus Lake Rd, Tobermory (32km from MTC) - https://www.alltrails.com/trail/canada/ontario/georgian-bay-marr-lake-trail
Little Cove Provincial Park: Little Cove, Driftwood Cove and Loon Lake (17.1km out-and-back, Moderate) - Little Cove Beach Parking Lot, Little Cove, Tobermory (35km from MTC) - https://www.alltrails.com/trail/canada/ontario/bruce-trail-little-cove-driftwood-cove-and-loon-lake
Little Cove Provincial Park: Tobermory to Loon Lake (32.8km out-and-back, Hard) - Bruce Trail Northern Terminus Cairn, Bay St, Tobermory, ON (park at Bruce Peninsula National Park or Fathom Five National Marine Park Visitor Centre) (37km from MTC) - https://www.alltrails.com/trail/canada/ontario/bruce-trail-to-loon-lake
Fathom Five National Marine Park: Bruce Trail and Burnt Point Loop - 3.4km loop (Easy) and 4.8km loop (Moderate) options - Bruce Peninsula National Park and Fathom Five National Marine Park Visitor Centre, Tobermory (parking lot available, trail starts just beside) (37km from MTC) - https://www.alltrails.com/trail/canada/ontario/burnt-point-loop--2
Flower Pot Island Cruise and Hike (23.5km loop, Moderate) - Flower Pot Island - https://www.alltrails.com/trail/canada/ontario/flower-pot-island-cruise-and-hike